Whether you are moving passengers or cargo, weighing less is vitally important in
keeping costs down and prices competitive. Aeroplanes that weigh less can take more
weight on board and use less fuel – which obviously equates to a healthier bottom line
for all involved.
So how is it done?
One way to make planes lighter is to remove the metallic materials and replace them
with something less heavy. Planes being built today are 10% lighter because metal parts
are being replaced by carbon fibre and composite components made using Filament
Winding machines.
Fuel line components, lightening breaks, aileron control rods, and even the fuselage of
the aeroplane itself can be produced using filament winding. It is a fast and precise way
to manufacture convex shapes, and economic in terms of material usage.
Performance relies on precision and reliability
As you can imagine, the aerospace industry demands incredibly high levels of process
and quality control. While the composite products themselves are lighter, stronger,
have greater corrosion resistance and are better insulated than their metal
counterparts; the filament winding machines they are made on also have to meet with
the highest standards possible.
Pultrex manufacture filament winding machines for the worldwide composites market
with particular emphasis on the aerospace sector. Each machine is fully CNC controlled,
with between 2 & 6 axis of controlled motion. Multi spindle options are available, as is a
range of fibre tension control and fibre heating options.
To meet the demands for increased levels of process & quality control, Pultrex have
developed and market software that includes control and data exchange techniques to
enable full integration of their filament winding machinery into individual customer ERP
and production control systems.
Pultrex have produced equipment for 603 installations in 37 countries, many of which
operate in constant 24 hour per day production facilities and demand minimum
equipment downtime. If this sounds like the kind of reliability your business needs, get
in touch, or visit us at one of our upcoming expos: CAMX in Orlando, Florida from Sept
11th to 14th 2017, and JEC Asia, Singapore. November 2017.