Data Acquisition Systems
for filament winding equipment
Integrated Manufacturing System (IMS)
- Data acquisition of all winding details
- Full integration with winding machine, resin impregnation, tension systems and ancillary equipment (ovens etc)
- Large storage area for existing winding programs
- Data storage for integrated work sheets and part details
This system introduces a new concept for Filament Winding, which interfaces a high specification PC with:
- Winding machine CNC system
- Resin impregnation system
- Fibre tension creel system
- Ancillary equipment within the manufacturing cell
The system provides 3 functions:
- Programming
- In process monitoring
- Manufacturing record
The system comprises:
- High specification PC with CD writer, USB and LAN connection;
- 17″ Monitor, Keyboard and mouse; A4 colour ink jet printer; Interface connections to equipment; Industrial enclosure to IP65
- The programming facilities include:
- Menu driven programming
- Keyboard programming
- Editing
- Program storage and transfer
- Cadfil geodesic programming (optional)
Menu driven programming
This menu driven system will make the required programs to enable winding of cylindrical parts with multi-layer and different winding angles. Programs are made, in the software, by asking for the relevant dimensions and fibre angle for the part being wound.
Full editing of these programs is also possible and they can be incorporated as subprograms with others.
Keyboard programming
The keyboard of the PC can be used for direct entry of programs onto disc, which then can be transferred to the CNC control.
The editing feature is primarily used during teach-in programming and is used to add extra information to the programs after the conversion phase.
The editor can be used to change any programs held on disc.
Program storage and transfer
Programs are stored on the hard disc in the PC and can be transferred to the CNC control via an RS232C interface. Programs can be archived/backed up via the CD writer or LAN connection.
Programs in the CNC control memory can also be transferred back to disc.
When this optional software package is purchased it becomes resident on the hard disc and is part of the Desktop Programming Menu options.
In-Process Monitoring
During the winding process the CNC screen can be used to view the status of a number of items.
Pass/Ply Counter
This can be programmed to count the number of passes during a winding program and can also indicate the type of winding pattern that is being applied.
Tension setting
With the tension system interface the level of tension set can be displayed on the CNC screen.
Fibre usage
From the tension system interface the monitor will display the amount of fibre being used. Also it can show the amount of fibre remaining on the tension creel spools.
Resin impregnation
When the resin impregnation system is fitted with the I.M.S. interface the monitoring system will display the current setting for the doctor blade, either high or low.
Fibre breakage
On the tension system with optional automatic fibre breakage sensing this will be displayed on the monitor.
Manufacturing Record
This system provides manufacturing and quality control records, which can be printed out or also transferred to disc.
A typical record would include:-
- Job number
- Component number
- Operator
- Date/time
- Fibres used
- Resin specification
- Tension levels
- Resin settings
- Pass & Ply Numbers
- Program name
The following data could be added automatically by the computer.
- Winding Time: –|–|–|–|–|–|–|..
- Amount of fibre used: –|–|–|–|.
- Component number: –|–|–|–|..
- Fibrebreak: –|–|–|–|–|–|–|–|..
- Resin Temp Status: –|–|–|–|–|
- Overall and by ply if required
- Overall and by ply if required
- Would be up dated automatically at the start of each part
- Would be automatically logged
- Out of range auto logged
The exact format for the manufacturing record can be tailored to suit specific requirements, as the program is written in compiled Visual Basic and source listings are provided.
Label Printing (optional)
When components being wound require labelling, the printer can be used to print labels with all relevant information. Menu driven software will be provided to enable the labels to be printed at the required time. Automatic features such as sequential serial numbers, date/time could be included.